Frequently Asked Questions

A charter school is an independently run public school. Charter schools are granted greater flexibility in their operations. In return for this flexibility, charter schools are expected to perform at a higher level of standard in both test scores and graduation rates.

GREEN Charter Schools offers a complete K5-12th system network wide and offers K5-8th in the Midlands.

Charter schools are tuition-free, like all public schools. All students, regardless of background, are eligible to submit an application for the lottery.

The average class size is approximately 20 student. Each grade level has 2-4 classes, therefore the number of students per grade level varies. Smaller class sizes enable more one-on-one time between the teacher and students.

All school closings, holidays and early dismissal days are listed on the school calendar issued at the beginning of the school year. If you do not have one, please contact the main office for another copy, or visit our website www.scgreencharter.org.

If your child will be absent due to illness or injury, please call the main office as soon as possible. The office will notify your child's teachers of the absence. If your child will only miss part of the school day due to an appointment (e.g. doctor, dentist, etc.), please sign your child into or out of school in the main office. The office will notify your child's teachers of the absence.

You must fill out an application. Applications are available through our online portal.

Our school offers free and reduced price lunch to all eligible students. Parents/guardians are encouraged to fill out an application every year as the standards change.

Yes. We accommodate all children and their individual learning needs. Our resource coordinator will require a copy of your child's IEP or 504 plan in order to schedule them accordingly. You can request your child's current school to send us a copy if you do not have a current copy at home.

GREEN Charter School recognizes all students who have qualified for the Gifted and Talented program through the state of South Carolina. Gifted classes start in 3rd grade and each gifted class is given advanced level work. GREEN utilizes the special class option instead of a “pull-out” system. This allows our students to be taught advanced work in each core subject every day.

GREEN Charter School has implemented an Advanced Program for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. The Advanced Program includes small group, advanced instruction in English Language Arts, Mathematics and Science. Students who are in the Advanced Program can also earn high school credits in middle school, such as Algebra I, Geometry, Biology, and Foreign Language. Criteria for entry are based on student benchmarks, classroom performance, teacher recommendation, and state test (PASS) results.

Yes. Every student is required to wear the school shirt and khaki or navy pants (or a skirt of knee length for girls). Jeans are allowed for middle and high school students. School shirts are available in short or long sleeves. Shorts are permitted in warm weather.

Fill out the online application. Be sure to select the appropriate school year and grade level you are applying for.

Besides a completed application, the following documents are required after acceptance to the school:

  • A copy of the applicant's birth certificate
  • The most recent report card to verify grade applying for
  • Proof of residency in the State of South Carolina
  • Copy of IEP or 504 plan (if applicable)
  • Copy of immunization record
  • Home Language Survey


Any child who lives in the State of South Carolina is eligible to attend our school. Applicants are accepted on the basis of availability. Current students have first chance at a seat for the following school year.

Further Information

If you have further questions about enrolling your child at GREEN Charter School, please email info@scgreencharter.org, or call 864-288-4134 Monday through Friday between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm.